Our feelings for the F800GS are obvious. Despite our initial misunderstandings, we came to really like this bike! This motorcycle has fun doing stuff no other streetbike would dream of doing, yet will run down the highway with a level of comfort, speed and fuel range a dirt-based 600cc single cylinder dual-sport bike can’t possibly approach. The F800GS may not suit hardcore adventure riders, and it retails at a fairly lofty $11,395. But if you’re looking for a very capable street bike that rides and feels like a dirt bike, you’ll love the F800GS.
Posted by MiniSmiLe
Posted on 7:47 PM
Things that bothered us the most about the F800GS were the wide rear end, the non-adjustable brake pedal height and the tricky-to-use turnsignal controls. At highway speeds of 75 mph, wind buffeting gets gnarly, especially if you’re wearing motocross gear. Ridden on the street, the firm saddle, motocross footpegs and motocross handlebars might even be too dirt-bikey to be truly comfortable for long trips. But if we had to choose a bike to ride from coast to coast, using only dirt roads, an F800GS with a few simple mods and some non-essential items trimmed off to reduce weight would be totally up to the task!
Motor Model