Several automotive industry in the United States are generally in terms of size and strength, a European is assumed, this means a higher refining and Japanese come to the legendary reliability. As the third region, Japan, the names from Asia, where the cars are affected. Of course there are more producers from different Asian countries in recent years, but only one of the emerging countries is a threat not only for the Japanese and Asian global dominance, but also for all the major players in automotive markets globally and the Koreans.
Toyota and Honda, that cemented their place as perhaps the most reliable car in the world today. What these two names are in Japan, Kia and Hyundai in Korea. Korean cars only to penetrate international markets in early jaren’90 realistic. Although most of them are as cheap cars, in terms of price and what the car. Vs. Japanese competitors such costs can not delay too much in these days, it is indeed, the Korean cars are not always seemed the kind of quality and complexity of a strong business. Read the rest of this entry »